eVSM Group wins the Manufacturing Technology Award

eVSM Mix - The Gold Standard for Value Stream Mapping Software

The eVSM Mix software has been named a Top Lean Manufacturing Solution for 2024 by Manufacturing Technology Insights. There are 5 compelling benefits the value stream mapping software provides that have led to the nomination and award.

  • Simplification: eVSM enables lean practitioners to quickly map and analyze mixed model value streams. With full capacity, lead time, and staffing analytics, you can create multi-product maps in minutes.
  • Cost Efficiency: Use “what-if” scenarios for line balancing (equipment and staff) to save costs and improve efficiency.
  • Deployment Support: Get eLearning and coaching for successful application, right from the start.
  • Digital VSMs: eVSM provides clear, standard value stream maps that everyone can understand.
  • Versatility: It supports all three main VSM types (Direct, Indirect, and Supply Chain) with both mapping (VSM) and design (VSD) capabilities.

Thousands of lean practitioners across multiple industries rely on this award-winning software. To see it in action and assess its benefits for your organization, request a web conference with us. Also, quantify over the call, the competitive advantage that companies using the software have over those limited to classic post-it note based value stream mapping 

Lean Manufacturing Technology Award

Customer Quotes

“With the new eVSM Mix software, we can build mixed model maps to capture variations in process flow, cycle time and other critical process parameters for the product family.  This allows us to use real demand scenarios to [see or quantify] the impact on the entire value stream in terms of resource capacity, lead time and line balance. The Mix capability is the greatest thing to happen to value stream mapping since the original eVSM software.”

Brad Campling, Managing Partner, Stream Improvement Services, LLC

"All who were in attendance in today's demonstration were very impressed with the program and its capabilities.  As for myself, I was very pleased to see how easy it is to make maps with all the canned functions.  I have been struggling to get things to work and this will make it 1000% better."

Jim Hamilton, Manufacturing Engineer