This page collects the overview and learning resources for each of the plant mapping applications in eVSM. Note that applications designated with an asterisk(*) are only available in eVSM Mix and not in eVSM Standard.
Mix Manufacturing VSM*

The Mix Mfg VSM application is for plant-level value stream mapping involving dedicated or mixed model production lines for discrete parts and assemblies. It allows the calculation of takt time, lead time, and capacity.
Mix Processing VSM*

The Mix Processing VSM application is for plant-level value stream mapping of dedicated or mixed-mode production lines for chemicals and food value streams. The Pharma VSM application should be used for Pharma value streams with upstream fermentation and downstream extraction phases.
Pharma VSM*

The Pharma VSM application is used for plant-level value stream mapping of pharmaceutical production that has upstream fermentation and downstream extraction phases. The Mix Processing VSM application should be used for other Pharma production processes.
Manufacturing VSM

The Mfg VSM application is for plant-level value stream mapping involving dedicated production lines for discrete parts and assemblies. It allows the calculation of takt time, lead time, and capacities. The Mix Mfg VSM should be used for mixed model (multi-product) lines.
Processing VSM

The Processing VSM application is for plant-level value stream mapping of dedicated production lines for chemicals and food value streams. The Mix Processing VSM application should be used if producing multiple products on the line. The Pharma VSM application should be used for Pharma value streams with upstream fermentation and downstream extraction phases.