eVSM Products

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eVSM Mix - Annual Site License

eVSM Mix is the best, simplest mixed model value stream mapping software in the Industry. It's unique Mix engine removes the user 'averaging' of products, demand, cycle times, and routing that make many mixed model maps redundant or of limited value.

eVSM Mix is available at a company level and at a division level for larger companies. It is not available as single user licenses other than for 30 day evaluation purposes. Click here for details.

Pricing Details


Leveraging Digital Mixed Model Value Stream Maps

A Leadership Guide to Deploying Value Stream Maps to Remove Waste.

This guide offers a structured approach to integrating digital value stream mapping (eVSM) into Lean initiatives, enhancing production efficiency. While traditional VSM is valuable, it requires tedious calculations, is challenging to update for “what-if” scenarios, and is prone to manual errors.

The purpose of this book is to help lean leaders and practitioners understand and unlock the transformative potential of Digital Mix VSM in their organizations. It explicitly addresses what leaders want, what Digital Mix VSM is, and how to deploy it.

In writing this book, we emphasized the importance of visual communication, a core tenet of lean and VSM. The content is packed with simple charts and mapping examples that we hope will be beneficial to our readers.

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eVSM Mix - Small Site Annual License

This license is limited in availability to plants or single sites with less than 500 total employees. The eVSM Mix - Small Site License allows installation on up to 5 PC's at the site. Software usage is limited to employees at the site working on on value streams related to the site. The license includes access to eLearning, software updates, and technical support.

Price: $1,950.00


eVSM Mix - Additional Seat for Site License

For existing site license holders which have exceeded max installation limit and wish to add additional installations. The additional installation seats will be synchronized into the existing site license and will expire when the current site license expires.

Price: $390.00


eVSM Services - 8 Hours Coaching Package

An eVSM expert will help you start a new value stream model or help complete an existing model. Delivery is via a series of 1-hour web conferences as needed.

Price: $1,950.00


eVSM Mix - Annual Academic License

eVSM is used at several educational institutes today as part of OpEx and Lean curriculum. In support of this we offer A 12-month student license of eVSM Mix 

The academic license is intended for educational use only and restricted to full-time students and full-time teachers at accredited higher education institutions. It MAY NOT be used for commercial work.

Faculty should contact us (support@evsm.com) to discuss the comprehensive associated elearning and test materials available with eVSM Mix for easy inclusion into academic courses

eVSM is an add-on to Microsoft Visio. Visio is not included in eVSM and needs to be acquired/installed before installing eVSM. See system requirements for eVSM.

Price: $150.00
