Getting the Following Message With Excel Related Operations

Submitted by on Tue, 10/17/2023 - 15:45

Excel related operations include Create XL, Import XL, Kaizen Export, etc. The message displayed is:

This would come up if Excel is currently busy with another process. Here are things to check:

  1. Make certain that no Excel file is open in which a cell is currently being modified. Specifically, in Edit mode. If it is, simply submit the change and try again.
  2. If the above does not resolve the issue, then Exit any open Excel sessions, and try again.
  3. If the problem persists, restart the PC and try again.

The above problem can also happen if Microsoft Excel Sensitivity labels are enabled. Unfortunately, this is usually a corporate setting and the user will not be able to disable. To work around this, open a blank Exel file before running Create XL. This allows you to switch to Excel, choose a sensitivity label, and then proceed with the eVSM operation.